This is something players should be aware of if they are trying to farm the Orb of Expansion. If players have multiple villages on the loop, then one of the Ghouls in the Ransacked Village can be turned into a quest monster, potentially making it a tough fight. The Count's Lands will still give players quests to complete by creating random quest monsters, but the rewards will be even greater, potentially dropping higher level loot with better buffs. If a Vampire Mansion is placed adjacent to a Village, the Village will become a Ransacked Village for three turns before changing into a Count's Lands. Killing the quest monster can result in better loot items than standard monsters. There is no way to influence which monster will be designated as the quest monster, so this can be risky. The monster will be tougher than standard enemies, taking a lot more damage, and will also dish out more damage in a fight. This monster will be marked by a small crown when looking at the loop and with gold trim on their health bar when in the battle screen. It will also begin a daily quest, denoting one monster on the loop as a quest monster. It will heal the hero for a small amount every time they pass through it, which is a nice way to keep them healthy in addition to other healing sources like campfires and health potions. RELATED: Loop Hero Developer Confirms More Content Coming Down the Road

The Village card can then be added to the player's deck before their next Expedition, giving them the ability to place Villages on the loop if the card shows up in their hand. Quests are tied to the Village card, which can be unlocked by building the Gymnasium at the camp. One aspect of Loop Hero that players will want to get to grips with quickly is quests because they can make or break a run. From all the resources that need to be gathered to the many different tile combinations that they can use to manipulate the loop, it can take dozens of hours to work everything out.

#Loop hero strategy guide full
Loop Hero is packed full of mechanics that players will need to learn if they hope to make it to the end of the game.