Other custom tuning options include cooling fan on/off temperature, idle rpm, gear ratio, rev limits, speed limits, shift rpm and pressure, and tire size. Mon Ram 2500 Air Delete Kits Jeep Grand Cherokee Kits Auxiliary Switch Panel. As far as the tune being used.does the car it came off of and yours have the same ecu codeIf not. (2) Diablosport Pulsar Inline Tuning Module and Trinity 2 MX Monitor Combo. Parameters such as spark advance and fuel tables at wide open throttle can be modified to match your engine and any modifications that have been done to your Hemi. Dyno tune would be way better than a off the shelf tune. And if you want to customize your engine's tuning, the Trinity allows that as well. Ford has had some problems with fuel injectors leaking fuel with engine off, this would cause the excessive smoke on start up.A quick way to check the injectors is to remove the holddwon bolts (2 per side) and pull up the whole fuel rail/injectors from the intake manifold. Using the predator go to troubleshooting, real time data, advanced WOT (you must have the updated predator firmware) now click choose from list.
The latest Trinity offers pre-packaged tuning programs for both 91 octane and 93 octane gasoline for the late model Hemi, and the big news is that it now supports the 2011 and up vehicles. The problem may not be with the tune or tuner. I use Jay Greene for my custom tunes and show how to take files from the i3 or Trinity and send those to your tuner so they can then make custom tunes for you. Overview The all-new Trinity (T2) Platinum Performance Kit (PKIT) is the most advanced performance programmer and monitoring setup of its kind for 2022 Dodge applications. First you need the Diablo sport Predator and a spot with traction to make a full pull or at least a low rpm 2nd gear pull and a full 3rd gear pull. The Trinity tuning system has been around for a while, and the same unit supports a variety of vehicle brands and engine combinations including Mopar's Hemi and Cummins powered diesels.

Diablosport is one such company, and thanks to their efforts we can now tune our 2011 and up Mopar vehicles for more torque, more horsepower, and better throttle response, along with a host of other performance enhancing and convenience features with their Trinity T-1000 tuning system.